
Salam semua...Talking about English, aku tak nafikan yang nowadays, English is good to everybody...So, we have to start from basic...Meaning that dari zaman kanak2...It's totally different when ur working in a private sector, English is a must rather than Government sector, English is ok la...I admit that, when I joined the government sector, my ENGLISH is totally out, messy and entah apa2...Now, I am thinking to do something with my English...Apa lagi belajar balik le, ambik English course...Forgot everything; GRAMMAR, PRONUNCIATION, SPELLING, WORDING...Tapi tu le, it's all about "TIME"...Maybe after this kena buat en3 at least once a week in English...Camne le nak ajar anak2 in English if aku sendiri pun dah lupa banyak...Even I'm not fluent in English but my confident level to speak in English is ok...Of course la, I'm ex-mass comm. student...ENGLISH WAJIB TAU!!!..Communication & Presentation in Faculty Mass Comm. all must in English...Eh korang jangan pikir lak en3 ni aku nak berlagak laks tapi it's about sharing is caring...Come lets start our English day...



eB said…
suker sgt english wik, skang nih cakap dh x fluent... hu3
English ni memang patut diajar dari awalkan pada anak2..Even simple word...Kat opis ramai "old skul" tu yg nak buat english week susah sikit sbb nanti diorg taknak ckp langsung..
emarieys said…
ingat dulu kat sini..hari rabu kena speaking...tp tak layan pun...alamak today wednesday...so kena cakap mat saleh lah ni...

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